This is the page I show off what little talent I do have. Mostly it will be plastic canvas stuff. So sit back get ready to be oooohhh and aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh (yeah that is me laughing in the background. What fun.)! I will be adding more pictures on here of my work. Now that should scare you! LOL
Ok I am working on a sign for a door. This is really a needle point
patteren for an address book (That my sister is going to do up for me), I was
looking at it and thought it would would look great on someones door to greet
guest. So I am working on it in plastic canvas. There are more coming.
The picture above this is a cross stitch my sister did of Mt. Rainier in Washington. I think it's beautful, but what do I know!!!
I have been working most on Lizzy*Kate cross stitch since moving back to WA.
I have worked on other small things too. I am not sure if I took pix of any of them. LOL! I will figure it all out.
I am working on a big project too, it is a cross stitch of Galen from Crusade. It is a huge thing for me. I work on it and get worried I am going to screw it up and put it away. Yeah you can call me CHICKEN!
I love to cross stitch and plastic
canvas, but I am not very good at it.
Helen takes after my Mom when it comes to that type of homey
stuff. If my Mom picked it up, she was good at it. Helen is the same way. Though
hopefully she will never read this or it will go to her head!!!
Here is some of my favorite Cross stitching places.